URL encoder / decoder

Easily encode strings for use in URLs or decode strings that are URL encoded.

Tool icon
Input text:
Encode / Decode:

URL encoding and decoding refers to the process of converting certain characters in a URL to their corresponding hexadecimal representation, and vice versa. This is necessary because certain characters, such as spaces and special characters, are not allowed in a URL and must be encoded in order to be included.

For example, the space character must be encoded as %20 in a URL, and the exclamation mark (!) must be encoded as %21. This allows the URL to be properly interpreted by the web server and the browser.

URL decoding is the opposite process, where encoded characters are converted back to their original representation. This is necessary when a URL with encoded characters is received by the web server, so that it can be properly interpreted and processed.

Overall, URL encoding and decoding is an important part of the process of creating and interpreting URLs, and ensures that special characters and other non-allowed characters can be properly included in a URL.